Pocket Prep - Exam Prep to Help You Pass

Pocket Prep - Exam Prep to Help You Pass

At Pocket Prep, we think everyone should have access to good exam prep. Our apps offer study help in many areas like Behavioral Health and IT & Cybersecurity. We help busy adults save time and money by letting them skip college courses.

Own Your Education - Exam prep built to help you pass

Our main tool is SourcePrep. It makes sure our study materials are right and fit what you need. Our experts create questions and answers, then our editors check them for quality.

We Believe Education Should Be Within Everyone's Reach

We are passionate about making quality education and exam prep accessible to all. We believe that knowledge and personal growth should not be limited by money. That's why we offer free study prep to those who need it most.

Financial Support

Our financial support program shows our dedication to helping people overcome educational barriers. We provide free study materials and resources to those who can't afford exam prep. This way, we help more people take charge of their education and careers.

Our needs-based financial support program provides free study prep

Our program supports you whether you're getting ready for a professional exam or aiming for higher education. We know that quality study materials can be expensive. That's why we make sure our free study prep reaches those who need it most. This way, we help more people reach their educational and career goals.

Our mission is rooted in the belief that education is a basic right, not a privilege. By offering free study prep through our program, we're working towards making this vision real. Together, we can build a fair and inclusive education system where everyone can succeed.

The Secret to (Y)our Success

At the heart of sourceprep, our own process, is a deep commitment to you. We aim to give you test prep content that truly deserves your focus. Our unique method ensures that every piece of material is carefully made, starting from the very beginning.

Reviewing Each Exam with Precision

Our journey starts with a detailed review of each exam by our experts. These seasoned pros dive deep into what each exam requires. They make sure every question and answer choice fits your needs perfectly.

Expertly Crafted Questions and Explanations

Our experts write the questions and detailed explanations. They bring their vast knowledge and experience to the table. This careful process ensures you get the most precise and insightful prep materials.

Rigorous Vetting for Quality Assurance

After creating the content, our editors carefully check it. They review questionsanswer choices, and explanations to keep quality high. This thorough check ensures the material you get is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant.

Continuous Improvement for Accuracy

At Pocket Prep, we're always looking to improve. We regularly update our materials with data-driven insights. This dedication to excellence makes sourceprep stand out. It helps you reach your academic and professional goals with confidence.

All People Should Be Empowered to Achieve Career Goals

At Pocket Prep, we believe everyone should reach their career goals. We aim to make education and preparation available to all, no matter their background. Our goal is to remove barriers and give everyone the tools to succeed.

Reaching career goals can be tough, but we're here to help. Our team has created a wide range of educational resources. These are designed to help you learn and grow in your field.

  1. Our financial support program offers free study prep to those who need it most. This ensures everyone has the resources to succeed.
  2. Our SourcePrep process is thorough. Experts write questions and detailed answers that are checked for accuracy and relevance.
  3. We treat our teammates and members with kindness and understanding. We focus on helping each person reach their full potential.

We're dedicated to empowering everyone to achieve their career goals. Whether you're starting out or looking to move up, we're here to support you. Together, we can make education more accessible and fair for all.

career goals

Access to the Education, Certification, and Preparation Needed for Advancement Should Be Available to All

At Pocket Prep, we think that everyone should have access to education, certification, and preparation for career growth. Our goal is to break down barriers that stop people from getting the tools they need to move forward.

We know that education opens doors to new opportunities and a better future. That's why we're committed to making sure everyone can get the knowledge and skills for career advancement. We believe that with the right help, people from all backgrounds can reach their professional dreams.

  • Our financial support program offers free study prep, making quality education available to those who can't afford it.
  • We work hard to find and solve the problems that stop people from getting education, certification, and preparation.
  • By removing these obstacles, we help people take charge of their education and careers, leading to a fairer and more inclusive future.

Our mission is rooted in the belief that people are more important than profit. We treat our team and members with kindness and try to understand their unique needs and dreams. Our aim is to create a world where everyone can reach their career goals, no matter their background or situation.

Join us in our mission to make access to education, certification, and preparation for advancement a reality for all. Together, we can create a brighter, more just future for everyone.

We Should Work to Remove Barriers to Accessing and Affording the Tools that Support the Right

At Pocket Prep, we think everyone should get to use the tools they need for school and work. But, many people face big hurdles that stop them from reaching their dreams. That's why we're working hard to clear these obstacles and make sure everyone can get an education.

For many, the cost of school and study materials is a big problem. That's why we offer needs-based financial support programs. These programs give free study prep to those who really need it. This way, we help people focus on their studies without worrying about money.

We also tackle other barriers that stop people from getting the tools they need. We make sure our content is easy to navigate, user-friendly, and meets each person's unique needs. We believe education should be for everyone, and we're working to make that happen.

accessing and affording tools

We're taking a big step to remove the barriers that have held people back for too long. By working to remove obstacles and make the right tools more accessible, we're helping people take charge of their futures. We want to see everyone succeed and reach their goals.

Everyone Deserves to Be Treated With Empathy

At Pocket Prep, we believe people matter more than money. We show kindness and try to understand each other's needs. This is the heart of our company culture.

We're proud to be profitable without any investor help. We focus on our community's long-term success, not quick profits. We believe in people over profit. This rule guides our choices, making sure everyone is respected and valued.

We aim to create a supportive space for our members. Everyone deserves to be treated with empathy, and we're committed to making that happen, one person at a time.

Treating Our Communities Well Is at the Heart of Everything We Do

At Pocket Prep, we put our communities first. We believe in giving back and supporting the people and places that make up our communities. This is key to our success and the positive change we aim to bring.

We have many ways to give back through company programs and initiatives. Our goal is to meet the unique needs of the individuals and communities we serve. By getting to know the people and places that make up our communities, we can tackle their challenges and find lasting solutions.

Empowering Our Communities

Our community outreach is all about empowering those around us. We aim to provide the tools, resources, and support they need to thrive. This way, we can help break down barriers and work towards a fairer future for everyone. We offer financial assistance and host educational workshops to make a real difference in people's lives.

A Culture of Compassion

Creating a culture of compassion is crucial to our mission. We always treat our teammates and members with care and understanding. We believe that people are more important than profit. This approach helps us create a positive ripple effect that goes beyond our walls.

At Pocket Prep, treating our communities well is at the heart of everything we do. Our diverse initiatives and dedication to making a difference make us proud to be a force for good in the lives of those we serve.

Studying can be tough, but we're here to help. Our quiz-based apps use science-backed methods to help you learn. Whether you're studying for one exam or many, we've got you covered.

Identify and Practice Your Weak Spots

Our apps help you find where you need more practice. Identify and practice your weak spots to improve your exam scores.

Target Your Problem Areas

Our tools let you focus on your biggest challenges. Target the places where you need the most help and get better. Our methods are designed to help you remember what you learn, so you'll feel ready for exams.

Flexible Subscription Options

We have many subscription plans, including a basic subscription for free. Whether you're studying for one exam or a whole course, we have a $15-$20 monthly subscription that fits your budget and goals.

At Pocket Prep, we know studying is hard. Studying is hard - we get it! That's why we offer the tools and support you need to succeed. With our apps and methods, you can learn and retain the information needed to pass your exams and reach your goals.

You Know What You Teach Them. We'll Show You What They Learn.

At Pocket Prep, we think teachers are crucial for students to do well. That's why we made Pocket Prep app and the Instructor Dashboard. They give you important info on how your students are doing.

The Pocket Prep app helps your students practice and get better. The Instructor Dashboard helps you see how ready your students are. This way, you can adjust your teaching to make sure they really get it.

The Instructor Dashboard is for teachers at schools and training programs. It lets you see how your students are doing. You can spot where they need help and improve your teaching based on facts.

  • Get a clear picture of your students' progress and performance
  • Identify knowledge gaps and target your instruction accordingly
  • Empower your students to take ownership of their learning with the Pocket Prep app

At the end of the day, you know what you teach them. With Pocket Prep and the Instructor Dashboard, we'll show you what they learn. This helps you give your students the best education possible.


Own Your Education. Pocket Prep aims to make top-notch exam prep affordable for all. They offer award-winning apps, study materials, and personal support. This helps students take control of their learning and reach their goals.

They believe in making Pocket Prep accessible to everyone. Pocket Prep is proud to be a profitable company without any investor backing. They focus on people over profit and treat everyone with kindness and understanding.

Pocket Prep stands out by empowering people, removing barriers, and promoting empathy. They're committed to making sure everyone has the tools they need to grow and succeed. This way, they help everyone own their education and pursue their dreams.